Thursday, September 10, 2015

I have stopped for the night! I arrived at 1:00 after easy 10.5 km (6.? Miles). Showered & clothes are in washing machine. Drying on line may be an issue as cloudy but sun keeps popping out. Just after I got upstairs to room & opened window that looks out over the El Camino path, Gabriel & Diana from IL came by & stopped for their picnic lunch -- I felt very Europeanish leaning out the window talking to them!! At Granon, met a group (8-10) of Irish folk who are doing just part of the Way via tour company - nice hotels, bags transported, etc. They thought I was being a truer pilgrim for staying in albergues - everyone's way is just right for them!!! One was a 80+ man so I was able to keep up with him for approx 4 km!!!! But they had another 15 k to go so wished them Buen Camino & turned into my home for the night. The countryside has become more agricultural. Large cabbage fields and sunflowers! Feels a bit more like home...
A sandhill???

Still need practice on taking selfies!

Reminder of home!


Albergue with window I was 'gossiping' from!


  1. Love it! What an adventure and you are meeting so many interesting people!!

  2. Wow! Cabbage fields and sunflowers. You ARE European, becoming more so, I am sure, every day. Enjoy! Enjoy! Keep adventuring, and teach us the way. OK, I am going to go to bed now. We all miss you, Jane! Everyone has been regularly asking about you and how you are doing.
