Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Settled in at Albergue Nuestra Senora del Pilar in Rabanal del Camino. It is an increase of 300 meters in height - now definitely out of the meseta and into mountainous region. Whole villages made of the same stone. Whilein the taxi passing pilgrims on the path this a.m., they were quite bundled. Heard that it was only to get to 60+F today!!  Tomorrow's walk will feature another 300 meter incline so saving energy today & only going 5.6 km tomorrow. From the taxi, I saw Welsh John & Reen walking!  The French lady from yesterday's bus ride started out with me in the taxi but saw a friend on  Camino so had driver stop & got out. He was a bit confused but figured it out. They then proceeded to figure the fare in French & Spanish to that point. He generously only charged me half of the quoted price back in Astroga - 13€! So since I had pack with me which would have cost 6€ to ship, I had very reasonably priced transportation. Here are photos of today's very nice albergue:

Thinking of a nap - the beds were very creaky last night so whenever any of the 20 people moved during the night, it resounded throughout the room! Plus some zealous man turned the big overhead light on at 6:00 am which was a rude awakening! Usually it is 7:00 before that happens. So no sleep in after all! Wishing all a good Wednesday!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I'm safe & sound; just very late in posting! Too much to do & see in Astorga! I arrived here by bus around 11:00 am this morning. Tried to get bus on to Rabanal but discovered that there wasn't one until Fri Oct 2!  And upon seeing from across the street the cathedral & the bldg designed by Gaudi, I decided to stay here and take a taxi to Rabanal tomorrow!! So I found the Albergue San Javier which wasn't far so could manage the pack. Then went to lunch with the French woman who also rode bus & came to San Javier. Interesting as she doesn't speak English & I don't speak French!!! Then met up with Judy from MI & checked out the market in the Plaza Mayor plus found ATM and a shop to buy a long sleeve top for evening wear as a bit chilly now if sitting outside for late dinners.Had a coke with Judy while she ate lunch where we joined Maureen from PA at a table. She also rode the bus today! A lady from AZ also joined us.  Then toured the Gaudi bldg & cathedral. Then met Judy, Hilde, Agnes for dinner with Welch John & his son Reen joining us. Reen just arrived two days ago to meet John in Leon for some father/son time! All in our room are in bed - I'm charging my phone in sunporch off the room - door happens to be next to my bed!! So here are uncaptioned photos & good night!!

This last one is the city hall with a clock that chimes by two figures hitting a bell! I had to hustle back to Albergue as there is a 10:00 curfew & they really do lock the doors!!! A woman & young man asked if I was staying at San Javier & asked if they could walk with me as couldn't remember the way! So I was escorted & we all made it in the door. 10:30 just chimed - close to cathedral! Will miss the ringing of time upon return to Omaha. I think every village, town & city has a church which chimes the time - a pleasing sound & you don't need to look at clock during the night!!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Settled in for today - showered, clothes machine washed & hung to dry on line, bed 'made' and stretching my legs out - the 14.5 km walk today was a bit too much for the knee. Rested quite a few times but did make it!!
This was the moon when I was leaving La Virgen del Camino this morning at 7:30 am. Did not get up in middle of night to see eclipse so glad people have posted photos on Facebook.
Another moon shot.

Here's how the Way gets across a major highway! It was not a real scenic walk today as beside a busy road - Monday morning rush hour traffic going into Leon. After 10:30 am, the sun was warm & path was dusty in spots. So dark until 8:00 & warm after 10 does give much optimum walking time!

More stork nests built on a bit lower tower. I am assuming that the storks have migrated as haven't seen a one.

I found this a bit curious - pineapples are the symbol of welcome but the sign says 'stay out' (I think)!

One way of 'carrying' your pack! Works okay on these less rough & hilly paths. A German man just arrived with a cart!! He has been walking for 5 months!! He started at Hamburg - he got the cart in France and says it has worked quite well even on rough terrain. He is having a good conversation with a Switzerland couple in English so I get included too!!

This is the Albergue for tonight at Villadangos del Paramo. Not as nice as some but also only 5€ [look what key I just found!]
The 'garden' here is certainly not as nice as others have been but clothes are drying in the sun!

Earlier I had asked what type was one tree - chestnut was suggested & yes, they were right!! 

Gorgeous roses in front make up for less desirable drying area!!
Enough rambling for now. The plan is to take a bus tomorrow - trying to decide if need a taxi or if I can carry pack to bus stop. It is a ways as this place is on far edge of town. Just asked & the girl said it was 500 km!!! I laughed & said that was farther than Santiago - she laughed & said 'oh, no, only meters, not kms!'. So I guess I'll be tough & carry the pack!! Thanks for all the encouraging comments and compliments - it means a lot to me to know that you are all thinking of me :-)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

My bed for tonight is in La Virgen del Camino in the Albergue D. Antonino y Dna. Cinia:
Arrived here around 10:30 due to the kindness of a young French Quebec couple who let me walk with them & showed me a shortcut to connect with the Camino in Leon! After waiting while chatting with Ruy from ME until noon when the door opened, checked in, 'made' bed & shared a washer load w/Ruy. Then Ruy & I walked to center of town & had a nice lunch - once again forgot to photo!! We were able to watch the Sunday promenade along the block-long street that was closed to traffic - little girls in frilly dresses & elegant matronly senoras! Found a bakery open for chocolate croissant for tomorrow's breakfast. Ruy said he would share the sausage he bought at Leon's festival yesterday for dinner so we helped ourselves to the bread on table @ cafe!!! Then we investigated the towering bell tower & were very surprised at how lovely the church was on the inside:
Not quite like the other churches I've shown!
These figures were on a monk's bldg. Enough for now - getting a bit chilly setting outside in the shade. Time to put on leggings & fleece! I bought a sleeping bag in Carrion as had two nights without blankets being available & it is too chilly now for just the bag liner!! Plus it is nice to have window open so room doesn't get so stuffy & smelly...tonight's room had 20 bunks - I think more women than men...separate bathrooms (toilets & showers) in this place. European men have no bashfulness of walking around in their Speedo-like undies - still somewhat shocking for this small town girl!!!

Another lovely day!! Which may be changing soon as entering a new/different region which is known for its rainy days! I will start carrying my poncho in the day pack just in case. I had a very easy 7.5 km walk this morning mostly through the town of Leon which had some photo ops:

Now I'll start a new entry for my day in La Virgen del Camino!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Leon is a hopping place this weekend!! Wonderful day out in the city seeing the sights (I rode the train trolley for a city tour) and attending the multicultural festival!!!  Also meeting up with people that I hadn't seen for a few days since I tookbthe taxi & caught up! Especially spent time with Hilde & Agnes. Out from around noon to nine -- here are various photos of my day:
Having trouble loading photos & lights out has arrived so hopefully will have stronger wi-fi at tomorrow's place of rest. Only a 7.5 km walk so should have a free afternoon to blog!!
I am in Leon! Took taxi clear here arriving around  8:00 in darkness. Found cathedral where a fruit & vegetable market was setting up! Had chocolate croissant & fresh squeezed oj then found the Albergue does l Monasterio de las Benedictines where we are in line to check in. Others are arriving so glad we came earlier!!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Beautiful sunset tonight:
The plan for tomorrow is to take a taxi with a Canadian & Brit to Mansilla then bus on into Leon. Should be in good time to get a bed in the large Municipal Albergue (will probably take a taxi to it) & have the afternoon & evening to do some sightseeing. The knee & body are feeling the 13 km walk so a lazy day will be nice!
A sight from today.
A bodega on the way into town today. Used for wine cellar/storage. This one is rather large compared to these from the other day:

Off to bed -