Friday, October 16, 2015

This morning was my first and only time of walking in the dark!!! We had to be out of Albergue by 7:30 so Marijke & I started off.
 Fortunately she had a flashlight because of course I never thought to get the headlamp that had never been used out of my big pack!!! And it was dark as we were in the woods - felt like the bogeyman could jump out of trees at any moment!!!! We sang the 7 dwarves song 'off to work we go' as there was a line of bobbing lights going down the path!!
This was in a private yard - a cross with various farm odds & ends hanging from it to create a large wind chime! Wouldn't have even noticed it except Marijke had to tie her shoe. We went at a good clip so I didn't take many photos - she kindly slowed down for me.

Then the sun arrived in all its glory!!!
The path was packed today with pilgrims getting to Santiago as it is Friday and there is a Pilgrim's Mass with the huge incense burner being used! This cafe was doing a booming business as hadn't been much before since leaving Pedrouza. And we met fellow Holland couple there:

I had shared a room & dinner with them a few days ago. Might see them tomorrow in Santiago!!

This is a fence bordering an airport. Pilgrims take advantage of any surface to be creative!

A concrete sign of being close to the end of journey! After our cafe stop, Marijka went on ahead as she was energized and decided to go on into Santiago today. Good decision as there were a few good-sized hills where I had to rest - this was the view 
 From this seat!! My knee was telling me that I had already walked more than 10 km so needed to be pampered a bit to make the last 5 kms!!

 Made it to Municipal Albergue at Monte Del Gozo - 400 beds!! In separate blockhouses.
 My room - a South Korean man, a Czech could & 2 S Korean girls plus me so far.
Showers & toilets - separate men & women.
My pack was not yet at the bar when I first arrived so went to Albergue & rested a bit. Upon return, still no pack & with helpful bar waitress making a phone call,  no idea where it might be. And I could not remember name of where I stayed last night. So I walked back to Albergue - down a hill & then back up - to get guide book that had that info. Upon return, lo & behold, there was the pack!!! So after eating a salad & fried eggs with the crusty bread, I'm writing this as wi-fi at Albergue is not good!! So now I will shoulder the pack, go shower & do laundry. Not sure I will get back to do another is sculpture that I will have passed 4 times now!!!!

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