I made it to Gonzar - my packback has not as of yet!! A phone call found out that it should be here in an hour which is fine as long as it shows up - my schedule is in it...don't have a clue where I want to be tomorrow!!! Another lesson learned to have address & phone # of place last stayed with me!
The night with the German children went well - I never heard any of them until 6:30 this morning - no whining or complaining from any of them!! I then had the place to myself to get ready for my trek to Gonzar -- a treat! Several days ago 6-7 tour buses of Germans arrived on the Camino!! They are from Munster - 400+ strong!! Many of them passed me today & are now ahead so shouldn't see them again. The quietness & solitude of the Way is rather compromised with that number staying together...

See all those pilgrims? Crossed a smaller, less scary Bridge this morning.

The waymarker in Portomarin with somewhat worn shoes!

Sunrise today

But foggy in the woods! The yellow kerchiefs are the Munster group

Tolkien anyone?! Can you see the cobwebs and mushrooms in it?

The fog is clearing around 10:30

Home for tonight

Bedroom for tonight

Church in this tiny hamlet - very agriculture oriented.
No wi-fi at Albergue so might not be back up to roadside bar tonight. Now to go see if pack has arrived - need long pants as getting chilly!!!
Wonderful photos as usual. I'm really enjoying this without having to spend a single calorie of effort! Thanks for doing all the work LOL! I wonder, are you such a travel-experienced walker now that you can sleep on anything, or do you daydream about your own bed sometimes?