Friday, October 16, 2015

Back at cafe as was hungry!! Had some delicious cheese & bread plus answered emails and caught up on Facebook. I see that the fence photo didn't post in previous entry -

This is in the complex of tonight's albergue

These are the separate housing units. My

Design in walk on way down to Albergue

On the large sculpture, each side has a different relief

Back in albergue complex. 60 13-yr-old Spanish boys & 6 sponsors arrived to spend the night in my unit!!! Their hike had not tired them out!!! Very energetic and vocal - another reason I came back to cafe!!!!  
I have very mixed feelings about this incredible journey coming to an end tomorrow-will have walked approx 75 continuous miles in this last stretch. Haven't figured out how many others I did between buses & taxis!!!! Will strange not to get up & walk on Sunday morning!! We are going to take a bus tour to Finnesterre which was the end of the world before Columbus did his thing!!!  Okay, it is dark out & a fellow roommate is getting ready to leave so I'll walk with her. Good night!!


  1. Wow! You're done tomorrow? That's incredible! You're incredible! What an experience. I wonder, are you going to go back and add to your personal journal with additional thoughts? Not for publication necessarily, but just to absorb and mull over everything?

    Those bas-reliefs - I take it they're on the base of a big statue? The first one baffles me - it looks like a guy in a cabbie's cap sneakily sticking shells on a guy in front of him, who's wearing a big horseshoe on his head...that can't be right, can it? lol

    Well, enjoy your big finish tomorrow, and best wishes for a smooth and effortless flight back home. And thanks so much for sharing this amazing adventure!

  2. I've enjoyed your journey and all of your pictures! You've had an exciting adventure! When you get home and rested up and ready for more travel come to CO! Would love to see you!

  3. Congratulations, Janie. You set yourself a magnificent challenge and met it. You inspire me and everyone who knows you. Thanks for letting us "walk along" from our comfortable chairs (without any knee issues, either!). Enjoy your last few days in Spain and get home safe.
