Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A sunny day in Santiago!! We slept in then attempted to get tickets for Cathedral rooftop tour to no avail. So went to noon mass with hopes of seeing the botafumeiro swing - the Cathedral was full by the time we got there so sat on stone steps & enjoyed the beautiful voice of a nun who warmed up the crowd before mass started. Aha! Success in seeing the botafumeiro in action!!!

I don't know if this video will work or not...

 Getting ready to start swinging

 The botafumeiro
 The pulley system
The ropes used to make it swing!

The men doing the work!
After that wonderful experience, we had a delicious lunch at the San Martin Pinario

which used to be a monastery but now is a hotel.

Dining room

Seafood stuffed pepper

Dab = fish
Sorry that I forgot to take photos before eating some of each dish!!!
Then home for a rest then we went to the San Franciscan convent/church for me to a compestalo:

Then we took the miniature train tour of the city - I forgot to get a photo of it & it was to rough of a ride to take photos.
Except this one did work - the Cathedral in the sun
 Then a nice dinner of ravioli at a small cafe with a stop at our nearby ice cream place!! Then home to settle in:

Our place is the small building behind tree. You can see the Cathedral tower with scaffolding in the background. We are so conveniently located!!

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