Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A late arrival around 4:00 at the Casa Crucerio in Ferreiros after a long 13 km walk!! There were many ups & downs. Leaving Sarria this morning around 8:38 (miraculously everyone slept in to 7:30!) there were hoards of pilgrims!
Doesn't show many people - they were there! Many begin their Camino in Sarria so lots of Albergues & outfitting shops. It was a lovely walk today even tho long & knee hurt towards the end...
Sunrise over Sarria!!! Yes, no rain! It was great to have a dry day.
Here is one type of path I walked today - Liz started later this morning & stopped before I did so solo walking today tho met up with Maureen, PA.
Another path...
And another one...
And was a very varied way! I'm tired & it is taking a long time to upload photos so I will close for tonight - tomorrow is an 8.5 km day so will have time to post more. Here is another path & one thankful pilgrim for no rain - thanks for the prayers!!

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