Monday, October 12, 2015

Safe & sound in Melide at the O Cruceiro Albergue! Quite the place -- and only 10€

Made it here around 2:00 - I think it was a bit further than the 12 km I had figured!!! Started out at 8:30 in light mist which turned into light rain then just cloudy then humid then the wind started gusting!! Sun came out eventually!
This was sunset last night in Palas de Rei!

Statue leaving Palas de Rei

Red mushrooms!!

Wet path
Just back to Albergue after eating with roommates, Keith & Stephanie from New Zealand. This area is known for octopus so:

mixed salad




restaurant which was huge and packed when we arrived!! Today is a holiday - Hispanic Day which celebrates Christopher Columbus!!! Yes, really!! So many local families were celebrating together. It was good food - octupus isn't a favorite but cooked in such s way to not be rubbery!! We haven't come up with a translation for navajas yet - some type of shellfish but rubbery!!!
As coming back to Albergue, I spotted Erin from New Zealand just arriving in town! We connected awhile back but I then jumped ahead with buses so very nice to see her! She checked in here & is getting settled then I will go with her to eat - just watch!! She has two days to get to Santiago as her father had a stroke and is not doing well - prayers for the Doyle family please.
A bridge -

with a pilgrim ready to cross!!

A treat to see - mare & foal

Sheep & donkey At some point this afternoon from the room, I heard hoofbeats - looking out the window, there was a single horse & rider coming down the street along with cars, etc.!! They turned the corner on green light & were gone before I could get phone from charger!! This is a town on 7500 people - not a hamlet!!

 At this point, there are 51 km left to Santiago!!! These markers are now placed every half km point so if you are watching, you can always know how far you have come & how far you have left to travel to Santiago!!
Will leave you with another cow photo!! 

And two types of paths!!! 


  1. Those red mushrooms look suspiciously like Deathcaps - deadly poisonous. You probably already know that if you read a lot of mysteries!

    You are getting very close to completing your journey. You're probably fit enough to walk home! (Well, up and down the aisle of the plane all across the Atlantic, how about that? No?) LOL - well, here's hoping you have lovely hiking weather for the rest of your pilgrimage.

  2. just so enjoy all of your posts. I haven't commented on many, but I am reading them all, and hoping I can travel this journey myself one day. Thanks for blogging and sharing with all of us!

  3. What fun to run into Hilde again. Martha and I like your road markers. I am HOME!!!!!!!
    I had a massage at home this afternoon. Martha just said that she wasn't able to send you emails so will send you them in email. I am slowly regaining my appetite. I am so proud of you. Be certain to let me know date and time of your return flight. Prayers for Mary who is haveing lumpecomy Tuesday. Marlene's dad sailed through his surgery. He and I were on same floor for recovery! It will be six months before the cycst drains completely. Sarah
