Monday, October 5, 2015

A very fuzzy photo of very wet Liz & Jane upon their arrival at the Vel Samos Albergue this afternoon!! It was a wet walk towards the end of our 9.5 km trek today.
It started out cloudy, then drizzle, then bits of sun, then more drizzle which progressed into rain! We are now in the Galicia area which is known for being rainy - we are now believers!! It isn't cold and the wind isn't blowing hard, so it wasn't unbearable; just uncomfortable. Hot shower, dry clothes. Sandwich & hot chocolate also helped us feel human again.

 Saw some beautiful scenery today! Was a tad concerned about getting phone wet so didn't take many as usual. We walked some ancient settlements that have no services - just houses & outbuildings:

 These are the most different colored hydrangeas I've seen!
While these are the largest!!
The first sighting of a Galicia storage bin!! There should be many more ahead of different designs. I will keep my eyes open & camera handy!
We sheltered from one downpour in this 'building' - this is the ceiling: boards with slabs of rock for the roof.

And this is the support beam - stacked rocks! Okay, long enough. It was a good day even with rain. Now to make plans for Sarria tomorrow. Leaving you with our first view of Samos - the Monasterio is huge:

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