Settled in for today - showered, clothes machine washed & hung to dry on line, bed 'made' and stretching my legs out - the 14.5 km walk today was a bit too much for the knee. Rested quite a few times but did make it!!

This was the moon when I was leaving La Virgen del Camino this morning at 7:30 am. Did not get up in middle of night to see eclipse so glad people have posted photos on Facebook.

Another moon shot.

Here's how the Way gets across a major highway! It was not a real scenic walk today as beside a busy road - Monday morning rush hour traffic going into Leon. After 10:30 am, the sun was warm & path was dusty in spots. So dark until 8:00 & warm after 10 does give much optimum walking time!

More stork nests built on a bit lower tower. I am assuming that the storks have migrated as haven't seen a one.

I found this a bit curious - pineapples are the symbol of welcome but the sign says 'stay out' (I think)!

One way of 'carrying' your pack! Works okay on these less rough & hilly paths. A German man just arrived with a cart!! He has been walking for 5 months!! He started at Hamburg - he got the cart in France and says it has worked quite well even on rough terrain. He is having a good conversation with a Switzerland couple in English so I get included too!!

This is the Albergue for tonight at Villadangos del Paramo. Not as nice as some but also only 5€ [look what key I just found!]

The 'garden' here is certainly not as nice as others have been but clothes are drying in the sun!

Earlier I had asked what type was one tree - chestnut was suggested & yes, they were right!!

Gorgeous roses in front make up for less desirable drying area!!
Enough rambling for now. The plan is to take a bus tomorrow - trying to decide if need a taxi or if I can carry pack to bus stop. It is a ways as this place is on far edge of town. Just asked & the girl said it was 500 km!!! I laughed & said that was farther than Santiago - she laughed & said 'oh, no, only meters, not kms!'. So I guess I'll be tough & carry the pack!! Thanks for all the encouraging comments and compliments - it means a lot to me to know that you are all thinking of me :-)
I love the variety of things you photograph! Thanks for posting about the chestnuts - I had no idea what they were. Now I know! I think I'd get real tired of hauling that cart around, really fast. More power to him! And you - you're *killing* this adventure! (As the youngsters say these days.)
ReplyDeleteAnother fascinating post! I love it that all seem so congenial:-)