Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I'm safe & sound; just very late in posting! Too much to do & see in Astorga! I arrived here by bus around 11:00 am this morning. Tried to get bus on to Rabanal but discovered that there wasn't one until Fri Oct 2!  And upon seeing from across the street the cathedral & the bldg designed by Gaudi, I decided to stay here and take a taxi to Rabanal tomorrow!! So I found the Albergue San Javier which wasn't far so could manage the pack. Then went to lunch with the French woman who also rode bus & came to San Javier. Interesting as she doesn't speak English & I don't speak French!!! Then met up with Judy from MI & checked out the market in the Plaza Mayor plus found ATM and a shop to buy a long sleeve top for evening wear as a bit chilly now if sitting outside for late dinners.Had a coke with Judy while she ate lunch where we joined Maureen from PA at a table. She also rode the bus today! A lady from AZ also joined us.  Then toured the Gaudi bldg & cathedral. Then met Judy, Hilde, Agnes for dinner with Welch John & his son Reen joining us. Reen just arrived two days ago to meet John in Leon for some father/son time! All in our room are in bed - I'm charging my phone in sunporch off the room - door happens to be next to my bed!! So here are uncaptioned photos & good night!!

This last one is the city hall with a clock that chimes by two figures hitting a bell! I had to hustle back to Albergue as there is a 10:00 curfew & they really do lock the doors!!! A woman & young man asked if I was staying at San Javier & asked if they could walk with me as couldn't remember the way! So I was escorted & we all made it in the door. 10:30 just chimed - close to cathedral! Will miss the ringing of time upon return to Omaha. I think every village, town & city has a church which chimes the time - a pleasing sound & you don't need to look at clock during the night!!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful architecture! Definitely the trip of a lifetime!! Thanks for posting, Jane:-)
