Tuesday, September 8, 2015

In Logrono!! Left Viana @ 7:30 and just arrived. Approximately 5 miles and mostly flat.

Pilgrims were serenaded this morning in Viana! 
Sunrise leaving Viana.
I am identifying with the snails that I encounter along the way -- slow but sure! There is one or two on this bush. At first thought I was a turtle but a snail is a better comparison!!
The bridge in Logrono - I was a bit shakey crossing it. Not used to traffic zooming by so closely!! Here is proof I was concerned about dropping the phone!!!
Waiting for bag to arrive in order to do laundry. There is a washer & dryer! Supposedly Logrono is known for tapas so will try to have some for lunch! Tomorrow is a bus day I think - will decide later.

1 comment:

  1. Being serenaded in the morning is a nice way to start a day. Do you what the snail said riding on the back of the turtle?


    Enjoy the ride, Jane! (I think you are.)
